
OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update BDP9x-61-1219

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:

Release date: December 21, 2011.
Category: Latest Official Release

Main Version: BDP9x-61-1219
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)
Note: This version was previously released as a public beta test version on December 5, 2011. It has been qualified and promoted to an official release version. If you have installed the public beta version during the week of December 5, there is no need to reinstall the firmware.
Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. This version is the same as the latest Public Beta release version BDP9x-60-1125B. Comparing to the previous Official release version BDP9x-57-917, the major changes are:
    1. Added "Title/Chapter Repeat" capability to some Blu-ray movies authorized with BD-Java technology. During movie playback, press the REPEAT button on your remote to select the desired repeat mode. As BD-Java is an evolving technology, this function may not apply to all present and future BD-Java based movies.
    2. Resolved the loading failure issue observed on several recently-released Blu-ray TV series, including "Fringe" (Season 3, 2011), "Chuck" (Season 4, 2011), "Dexter" (Season 5, 2011). Normally, these movies can be played with no problems when initially loaded. However, if disc playback has been stopped or the disc ejected, the disc would fail to load properly and remain on a black screen with the front VFD displaying 00:00:00. The cause of this error was related to the player failing to load pop-up menu to display disc resume functionality. This firmware properly resolves the pop-up menu.
    3. Resolved a Fast Forward (FWD) bug during some FLAC music playback. Customers have reported that during some FLAC playback, if you press the FWD button to 2x and up, the music playback could automatically skip to the next track. This issue has been resolved.
    4. Resolved the extra BD-Live setting required to load some Blu-ray movies such as "Warlord" (2010). To load such titles it was necessary to set "BD Live" to be "ON" under Network Setup, even if no internet connection was present. This issue has been resolved and for all "BD-Live" states ("ON", "LIMITED", "OFF").
    5. Resolved FL and FR channels missing from user generated 7.1 WAV media. Customers have reported that FL and FR channel contents may be lost during the playback of 7.1 WAV files. This issue has been resolved.
    6. Reset the SPDIF audio format from VUDU to DTS 5.1 when Bistream is enabled. In compliance with the VUDU certification requirements, we have set the VUDU’s audio stream to be converted to DTS 5.1 through SPDIF in Bitstream mode. Previous firmware resolved only stereo PCM over SPDIF.
    7. Added the direct play capability to BDAV folder. BDAV is a container for videos recorded using AVCHD camcorders such as Sony's HDR-SR series.
    8. Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples. 

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.


Oppo BDP93/95 BDMV/BD iso外掛字幕

Oppo BDP93/95於早前的firmware已經可以於BDMV BD iso同mkv播放時外掛字幕,可惜當時Oppo並未支援繁體中文,對慣用繁體的香港人可以話用不上。幸好Oppo廠方未有忘記香港及台灣的用家,於上一個firmware BDP9X-60-1125B終於支援繁體中文,換句說話外掛繁體字幕已經不是問題。

1. 先下載最新的Beta firmware BDP9X-60-1125B:-

2. 之後在setting中的player language改為繁中文:-

3. 用Transformer 2 IMAX版來做個示範,於電腦端,先將繁體中文的srt字幕以UTF8的格式儲存,將檔案名稱改為與電影(BDMV/BD iso)檔案相同的名稱,並放於電影檔案(BDMV或BD iso)同一個資料夾內,如下圖:-

4. 於播放電影時按搖控上的"SUBTITLE"鍵,出現如下圖的視窗,之後揀選"其他":-

5. 成功出現繁體中文字幕:-


OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware BDP9x-60-1125B

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:

Release date: December 5, 2011
Category: Public Beta Test Version

Main Version: BDP9x-60-1125B
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)
Note: This release is still a beta test version, not an official release. Use it only if you would like to experiment with the new features and improvements. There is a very small chance of the new features and improvements not working properly. If that happens, please report any issue to us. 
Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-57-0917, the major changes included in this version are:
    1. Added "Title/Chapter Repeat" capability to some Blu-ray movies authorized with BD-Java technology. During movie playback, press the REPEAT button on your remote to select the desired repeat mode. As BD-Java is an evolving technology, this function may not apply to all present and future BD-Java based movies.
    2. Resolved the loading failure issue observed on several recently-released Blu-ray TV series, including "Fringe" (Season 3, 2011), "Chuck" (Season 4, 2011), "Dexter" (Season 5, 2011). Normally, these movies can be played with no problems when initially loaded. However, if disc playback has been stopped or the disc ejected, the disc would fail to load properly and remain on a black screen with the front VFD displaying 00:00:00. The cause of this error was related to the player failing to load pop-up menu to display disc resume functionality. This firmware properly resolves the pop-up menu.
    3. Resolved a Fast Forward (FWD) bug during some FLAC music playback. Customers have reported that during some FLAC playback, if you press the FWD button to 2x and up, the music playback could automatically skip to the next track. This issue has been resolved.
    4. Resolved the extra BD-Live setting required to load some Blu-ray movies such as "Warlord" (2010). To load such titles it was necessary to set "BD Live" to be "ON" under Network Setup, even if no internet connection was present. This issue has been resolved and for all "BD-Live" states ("ON", "LIMITED", "OFF").
    5. Resolved FL and FR channels missing from user generated 7.1 WAV media. Customers have reported that FL and FR channel contents may be lost during the playback of 7.1 WAV files. This issue has been resolved.
    6. Reset the SPDIF audio format from VUDU to DTS 5.1 when Bistream is enabled. In compliance with the VUDU certification requirements, we have set the VUDU’s audio stream to be converted to DTS 5.1 through SPDIF in Bitstream mode. Previous firmware resolved only stereo PCM over SPDIF.
    7. Added the direct play capability to BDAV folder. BDAV is a container for videos recorded using AVCHD camcorders such as Sony's HDR-SR series.
    8. Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.



好多Elac喇叭的用家包括Anthony在內好多時都為選擇適合擴音機去推Elac喇叭而煩腦,上網爬了又爬都找不到答案。Anthony早前就索性去函Elac Electroacustic GmbH詢問他們的意見,不到8 小時已收到他們R&D部門的Mr. Bjarne Sommerfeldt 的回覆,內容如下:-

Dear Mr. Chan,

we are the German representative for Primare electronics from Sweden
(www.primare.net). These components fit well to our speakers, e.g. the I32 is
a good match. Furthermore, from our customers we know, that English
electronics is often preferred, e.g. Rotel, Cambridge or NAD.

Mit freundlichen Gr晧en / Best regards,

Bjarne Sommerfeldt
Entwicklung / R&D

ELAC Electroacustic GmbH
Rendsburger Landstr. 215
24113 Kiel



將Blu-ray 演唱會的高清音效帶到你的兩聲道組合(全)

以下為免費的old school做法,如讀者購買DVD Audio Extractor 簡單得多了。

Blu-ray 演唱會的高清音效帶到你的兩聲道組合分享


現時CAS (Computer as Sources)玩法大行其道,除了因為其方便性外,可播放比傳統CD44.1khz 16bit更高格式的音樂檔案(96khz 24bit192khz 24bit)亦係一個重要的賣點。

簡單講講為何高清音樂檔案一般會比傳統格式好,模擬為連續不繼的訊號,而數碼為繼繼續續的01訊號,如果要將一個模擬的音樂訊號變成一個數碼音樂訊號,就需要每一個音頻(hz)中最少要有兩次嘅取樣(sampling)方可以接近還原本來模擬訊號,而音頻越高取樣會越少,以CD格式收錄0-20khz的音域中最高的20khz音頻來計算,20khz x 2.2 = 44khz 而現時一般CD格式為44.1khz。這個代表在1秒時間內會作出44,100次的取樣,如將1秒中切割成44,100份各位會發現取樣的密度實在太少了,當中會流失不少的細節,就算日後用提高取樣(up sampling)的方式將取樣升至96khz甚至是192khz亦不能將流失的細節補回,因為流失了就是流失了。而bit數為每個音的強弱以bit來計算,假設格式為16 bit,即為216次方 = 65,536種層次的強弱之分。

以一般CD載有44.1khz 16bit的格式來說即是每一秒內以44,100次的取樣而每個音將有65,536種強弱的層次。用同樣的計算方法 96khz 24bit就是每一秒內以96,000次的取樣而每個音將有224次方即16,777,216種強弱的層次,而192khz就是就是每一秒內以192,000次的取樣而每個音亦將有16,777,216種強弱的層次。




Blu-ray演唱會是發燒友樂迷可享受的高清音樂的另一途徑,因為現時Blu-ray演唱會的一般格式都以收錄兩條音軌 1) LPCM 7.1/5.1 96khz. 24bit 2) /Dolby TrueHD/DTS HDMA 7.1/5.1 96khz. 24bit,有些同時收錄了LPCM 2.0 96k 24bit。除此之外,亦開始推出Blu-ray Audio,以Blu-ray Disk收錄高清音樂檔案,如之前嘅趙學而就是其中一隻。

可惜的是Blu-ray演唱會必須放於Blu-ray Player播放,對發燒友來說Blu-ray Player內因多了視訊線路而比一般CD Player複習,音染亦可能由此而來,加上需要開著屏幕來聽亦帶來不變。所以如果可以由Blu-ray演唱會中抽取其中的高清音軌放於兩聲道系統中播放也未償是一個吸引的做法。但可行嗎?  當然可行啦。


Blu-ray 演唱會的高清音效帶到你的兩聲道組合分享()


入正題了,到底如何可以將Blu-ray演唱會的音效抽出呢? 要做到以上目的,我們需要有以下幾件硬件及軟件協助,當中巿面上可能有好多軟件可以做到同樣功能,而Anthony只集中介紹今次分享所用的軟件,如各位發現有更好的軟件代替,不妨通知Anthony:-

1)      Blu-ray 演唱會 (這個必需要啦!)
2)      裝有Blu-ray Rom的電腦;
3)      AnyDVD HD軟件;
4)      TsmuxeR 軟件;及
5)      Gold Wave軟件。

一般Blu-ray演唱會都收錄多於一種音效,如LPCM 7.1/5.1Dolby TrueHD DTS HDMA 7.1/5.1一般都以最少48khz 24bit收錄,而通常為96khz 24bit。而抽取這些多聲道的高清音軌理論上是可以的,問題是取出來的是多聲音,如要播放就要在多聲道系統播放。而做兩聲道就涉及混音此乃超出Anthony的認知。加上如是以Dolby TrueHDDTS HDMA所編碼,那我們更需要有指定的解碼,理論上巿面的Media Player可以做到,但Anthony未有加以証實。而今次主要集中講講抽取Blu-ray 演唱會內的LPCM 2.0音軌。


Anthony建議各位先用一些曲目較少的演唱會或小型音樂會作實驗 (原因以下再述)。先將Blu-ray 演唱會以AnyDVD HD軟件備份為BDMV格式儲存於電腦硬碟上,僅記是以BDMV格式而不是BD.iso挌式。



STREAM入應載有多個大少不一的m2ts的檔案,一般以00001.m2ts 00002.m2ts的放式儲存 ,這些就是我們屏幕上看到的演唱會內容及其他收錄等等。有時會多達數百個,有時只有三數個。如內有十分多個的m2ts,這張Blu-ray演唱會應為肉醬版。肉醬版是指整演唱會被分割成多個m2ts檔案,而其播放次序亦未必是以順檔案名稱排列,Anthony建議唔好用此演唱會了,因為工序會比較繁複(下述再作介紹)。而只有三數個m2ts的檔案中一般以最大容量的檔案為演唱會的主要內容(即主片),多數1Xgb4Xgb左右。先記下最大容量的檔案名稱。


先用TsmuxeR軟件在 Input中揀選add,打開PLAYLIST資料夾,揀選加入一個mpls檔案,你會看到當加入一個mpls檔案時同時會加入一個m2ts檔案。
看看該m2ts檔案是否與先前記下最大容量的m2ts的名稱相同,如不相同則用remove鍵將該mplsm2ts移走,再打開另一個看看。PLAYLIST內每一個mpls檔案都是相應STREAM內某個m2ts檔案。這個動作主要是要找尋對應主片對應的mpls (當然亦可以用kmp等播放軟件開啓該m2ts檔案加以確認)

揀選到主片的m2ts時,在TsmuxeR軟件上方會看到mplsm2ts,而中間部份會看到該m2ts內所載有的視訊及音訊,m2ts檔案其實可以視為一個容器(container),當中包含多條軌,如圖中會看1. AVC   2. LPMC 2.0 3. DTS HDMA 5.1 4. PG 5. PG


TsmuxeR中的 Blu-ray 內會看到如下圖的時間章節排列,先用複製的方式抄到notepad內作為稍後作分軌之用。一般Blu-ray演唱會都會以章節來將每首歌曲分開,mpls檔案正好幫我們知道每首歌曲從何時開始在可時結束。一般情況第一個章節的時間為00:00:00:00,之後到第二章節及第二首歌曲,如此類推到最後一首歌曲名稱與尾二的章節放在一起留下最後的章節就完成這部份了。




之後返回TsmuxeR軟件的主目錄,將LPCM 2.0之外的視軌及音軌unchick,記得係要unchick其他只保留我們所需的LPCM 2.0

再於軟件下方揀選DemuxLPCM 2.0條軌從m2ts檔案中抽出,過程時間長短要視付各位的電腦效能了,之後得出一個wav的檔案。

Gold Wave軟件進行分軌

Gold Wave軟件開啓該wav檔案同時亦可以播放以確認抽出的音軌是演唱會的內容。

Tool中揀選cue points後會彈出新視窗,在新視窗按New後再有新視窗彈出,在Name中加入歌曲名稱,再在Time中將章節時間後按 add,之後順序將所有章節及歌曲名稱用以上方式加入,最後按save得出cue檔案的可留作日後再用。


再按SpliteFile鍵彈出新視窗後,選擇分軌後的檔案儲存位置,及Use cue name for file name,而最低部份揀Use file's current format and attrbutes後按ok

過一段時間後Gold Wave會將剛才抽出的wav檔依據cue檔案分成多個wav案檔,用right chick看看內容為96khzwave檔案。



以Big Ben揀96khz輸出,好開心可以聽到成果了,可惜是當播放中歌名變成亂碼。

是否真是96khz 24bit的音樂檔案?

在這Anthony亦有疑問,的確從電腦及Big Ben中都可以看到是96khz 24bit,但從Squeebox Server Player中的看到的bitrate是4608 kbps CBR (Converted to 705kbps FLAC),而Anthony從HiFi Track購得的爵士原音3的biterate只是4608 kbps,如有朋友知道是甚麼問題,不妨通知Anthony。

這樣抽出來的96khz/192khz 24bit音樂檔案一定比我演唱會以44.1khz 16 bit收錄的好嗎?

没有肯定的答案,就算能確定該演唱會是以96khz 24bit的格式來錄音,但我們並不知道收錄在Blu-ray Disk內的96khz 24bit是否母帶的96khz 24bit,加上演唱會是多聲道錄音,Blu-ray Disk中的兩聲道是從何來,當中是否先由96khz 24bit壓成44.1khz 16bit 後再用軟件升回96khz 24bit?理論上無人這樣苯,但真係無從確定,相信只有製作公司知道真相了。

有些Blu-ray演唱會中LPCM 2.0的音軌是以48khz 24bit收錄的,而家中已有該演唱會的CD,在這情況下各位要衡量一下花上時間去取得48khz 24bit是否比直從由CDrip44.1khz 16 bit好。

雖然以上述方法從Blu-ray Disk中提取多會局限於演唱會,這些一般都會推出CD。但有些以開音樂會配合新碟作宣傳的Blu-ray,如今次示規劉美君的Love Addict及林子祥的lamusique其音樂會都未有推出CD於巿面,如用上述方法抽出高清的2.0音效在兩聲道系統上播放亦是另一種玩法。




Anthony相信以上未必是將高清音效從Blu-ray Disk抽出的唯一方法,但Anthony的認知只限於此,如各位有其他便利的方法不妨通知Anthony



Updated @ 9.11.2011 感激AV100Fun前輩 akiraku兄及Gundam兄 教路,稍後會出補完編,當中會提及使用另一軟件eac3to取代TsmuxeR抽取音軌編成FLAC檔案,從而突破wave檔案的4Gb限制,亦會償試將多聲道的Dolby TrueHD,DTS HDMA及LPCM downmax為LPCM2.0,不日推出,哈哈。

PS 以上為Anthony非專業的個人分享,如有任何錯漏歡迎指正。


AVS HD Demo Disk


其實DVD年代都已經有啲發燒友自制試機碟用嚟招呼朋友,不過到Blu-ray年代要自行制作試機碟嘅工序複雜得多,起碼Anthony唔識先,其實本地都有做,不過唔易拎 到。

其實早於兩年前外國十分有名嘅影音討論區AVS Forums已經有發燒友討論制作隻試機碟,有興趣可以去睇下有關討論串: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1166423,ver 2.0 討論 http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1283375

呢隻AVS Demo Disk容量為42.7gb,一開始播放就即刻入到Main Menu








PS: 以上為Anthony個人非專業感覺,如資料上有任何錯漏歡迎指正。



好多時當用家喺設定Blu-ray Player嘅色彩空間時都會有疑問,到底係揀RGB (0-255)(16-235)好定YCbCr(4:4:4)(4:2:2)好,有時揀落又好似無大分別。


因以往廣播嘅頻寬問題,為求輸出穩定嘅訊號,會將RGB訊號以色差(YCbCr)儲存同傳送。一般荷李活電影會以4:2:2儲存,而現時嘅Blu-ray Disc則會以4:2:0儲存。

之後Blu-ray Player讀取Blu-ray Disc時要先將4:2:0轉成4:2:2或4:4:4,因為4:2:0只係儲存標準,而傳送標準為最少4:2:2,所以一般設定係唔會見到4:2:0輸出。

在訊號送達人眼之前會將呢個YCbCr訊號要轉成RGB訊號,咁幾時做呢? 無一定答案,要視符Blu-ray Player做轉換好定係Display做轉換好。


揀YcbCr 4:2:2
1 Blu-ray Disc 以4:2:0 儲存
2 由Blu-ray Player轉成4:2:2輸出
3 Display 收到4:2:2轉成4:4:4
4 Display將4:4:4轉成RGB輸出畫面

揀YcbCr 4:4:4
1 Blu-ray Disc 以4:2:0 儲存
2 由Blu-ray Player轉成4:4:4輸出
3 Display將4:4:4轉成RGB輸出畫面

1 Blu-ray Disc 以4:2:0 儲存
2 由Blu-ray Player轉成4:4:4輸出
3 Display 收到非4:2:2訊號將4:4:4轉成4:2:2
5 Display將4:4:4轉成RGB輸出畫面

揀RGB (16-235)
1 Blu-ray Disc 以4:2:0 儲存
2 由Blu-ray Player轉成4:4:4
3.Blu-ray Player將4:4:4換成RGB輸出
4 Display收到RGB後乜都唔做輸出RGB畫面

1 Blu-ray Disc 以4:2:0 儲存
2 由Blu-ray Player轉成4:4:4
3.Blu-ray Player將4:4:4換成RGB輸出
4 Display收到非4:2:2/4:4:4輸號將RGB轉做4:2:2/4:4:4訊號
5. Display再將4:2:2/4:4:4訊號成RGB輸出畫面

到底用Blu-ray Player做conversion定係用display就要睇下邊部機做conversion好啲
問題係就算知道Blu-ray Player嘅conversion好啲,用Blu-ray Player做YCbCr轉換RGB係好啲





好開心,今日終於收到ISF証書了,現時擁有ISF II的資格,可惜喺ISF網頁中未揾到Anthony嘅名。



Popcorn Hour 新機 A300

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OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Latest Official Release BDP9x-57-0917

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:

Release date: September 26, 2011
Category: Latest Official Release

Main Version: BDP9x-57-0917
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)

Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-52-0707, the major changes included in this version are:
    1. Added Pandora Internet Radio streaming. The audio quality is 128 Kbps compressed stream decoded to 44.1KHz/16bit, 2-channel for both free and premium accounts. You can access Pandora by pressing the HOME button, and then select "Internet" from the Home Menu, or by pressing SOURCE and selecting Pandora. This service is limited to U.S. residents only.
    2. Added YouTube Leanback streaming. YouTube LeanBack is designed to provide an uninterrupted stream of HD videos from YouTube like you were watching a normal television channel. Access YouTube Leanback from the Home Menu -> Internet, or by pressing SOURCE and selecting YouTube.
    3. Resolved errors related to the player freezing when loading specific Netflix streams. In the previous firmware, when playing movies with optional language and subtitle selection, the player may freeze at the initial buffering screen. Examples of titles affected include "Shutter Island", "LOST. Season 1. Pilot" and "The One".
    4. Improved the subtitle support in M2TS/TS playback through USB drive, external hard drive or DLNA streaming. Customers have reported that the movie picture could occasionally freeze up during the playback, while the time counter was still moving forward. This issue was related to subtitles and has been resolved in this release.
    5. Resolved the subtitle flickering or image stuttering issue during some 3D movie playback. This issue has been reported to happen randomly on some 3D movies released in Asia or Europe. Sample titles include "Step Up", "SAW" and "Resident Evil: Afterlife".
    6. Resolved the image vertical stretch issue observed on some legacy DVD's. Customers have reported that when playing these DVD's using HDMI 1 and setting Aspect Ratio to "16:9 Wide/Auto", the pictures were vertically stretched. This issue could happen to certain 4:3 DVD's issued before or around 2000, and sample titles include "The Abyss", "Titanic", "TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH (2002)" and "1941 (1979)".
    7. Improved support for user-created DVD-Audio discs. In the previous firmware, the on-screen display and the front panel time counters may stop at 00:00:00 when playback advanced from Track 1 to Track 2. This was mostly observed on user-created DVD-Audio discs which were “Audio Only” and contained no menus, backgrounds, or additional features.
    8. Resolved the Test Tone missing or harsh noise issues. Some customers have reported these using some special combinations of downmix mode and speaker setting.
    9. Improved the audio information display, e.g., previously "MLP 5.1" was shown as "5.1", "1/2 DTS 6.1" was shown as "1/2 DTS 5.1".
    10. Added brief chapter information (Current Chapter/Total Chapters) on-screen display when pressing PREV or NEXT button to skip chapters. This feature only applies to commercial discs which include Blu-ray, DVD and DVD-Audio.
    11. Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples. Sample movies include "Avatar(3D)", "Journey to Mecca", "Alice (2009 Miniseries)" and "Pirate of Caribbean 4" (3D version released in Asia and Europe).

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.
Firmware Upgrade Instructions:

Warning: Although firmware upgrade is an easy and usually trouble-free process, it is important to ensure that the power supply to the player is stable, and the upgrade process is not interrupted. A failed firmware upgrade can render the player unusable.
There are three ways to upgrade the firmware. If your player has an Internet connection, the easiest way to upgrade the firmware is the "Via Network" method. If you have a USB thumb drive, you may choose the "Via USB" method. You can also use the "Via Disc" method by preparing a firmware upgrade CD yourself or requesting a firmware CD from OPPO customer service. Please follow one of the three procedures below based on the upgrade method chosen.

Firmware Upgrade via the Internet
    1. Turn on your TV display and the OPPO player. Eject the disc tray from the OPPO player and remove any disc. Make sure that the player and the player is not playing any content.
    2. Press the SETUP button on the remote control to enter the setup menu. Select Device Setup, Firmware Upgrade, and then Via Network.
    3. The player will start searching for the new firmware from an OPPO firmware server. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware upgrade process. Use the remote control to respond to on-screen prompts. Do not use the front panel buttons because the front panel buttons will stop working during the upgrade process.
    5. In order to complete the firmware upgrade process, the player will turn off automatically.
    6. Turn on the player again after the firmware upgrade process is completed. Repeat from Step 2 above until the player reports that it already has the latest version. This will ensure that the player downloads and installs all parts of the firmware update.
    7. Check the new firmware version by going to the setup menu, and then selecting Device Setup - Firmware Information.
    8. Congratulations! You have just completed the firmware upgrade.
Firmware Upgrade via a USB Thumb Drive
    1. Click here to download the firmware file BDP9x-57-0917.zip
    2. Insert a USB thumb drive to the computer that stores the downloaded zip file. (The USB drive must be in FAT or FAT32 format, not NTFS. If you are not sure, just use a new USB drive that is 2GB or smaller since small drives are usually factory-formatted in FAT/FAT32.) Unzip the firmware file to the USB drive. Verify that the USB drive now contains a UPG folder and that the UPG folder is in the root/main directory of the USB drive. Please ensure that the UPG folder is not contained within any other folder. There are 2 files in the UPG folder: BDP9X.BIN, BDP9X.SIGN.



從新屋入伙至今三年多,家中所有器材已面目全非,唯獨對部Benq W5000投影機不離不棄,原因Anthony一身影像調校知識都由佢而起。


可惜歲月不留人,而對影音產品更甚,話之你有幾旗艦,過得兩三年就新晶片一上就會被比下去。Anthony部Benq W5000亦一樣,早兩三年去家訪真係無幾多部機可以令Anthony有換機念頭,但來到呢年嘅家訪真係開始有換機嘅念頭。


雖然部HC4000已經出咗一年有多,已經算係舊款,不過今年三菱應該唔會再推出2D DLP入門機,而會推出HC7800 3D DLP機,而定價要去到兩千到尾euro。Anthony對3D無乜興趣,加上HC7800嘅定價甚高,所以就算係水尾都入呢部HC4000。

HC4000真係又細部又輕,同部Benq W5000真係好大分別, 雖然又輕又細但裝機都真係有啲難度,上下左右都無得用Len Shift,加上鏡頭偏右,同之前嘅W5000置中好唔同,所以都花咗唔少時間去研究點攪,而最後都要清清架面嘅器材同將隻幕放落啲先得,都攪咗成兩個鐘先開到機。





都係要加返隻二手Entreq Silver Tellus地盒

自己套系統一路都無乜落任何補品,只有一隻Lightspeed HT1 MKII,啲電源線都只係黑雞,訊號線都只係Gotham 11301,因為希望留力升級硬件。唯獨有一個 配件一定要加,就係地盒,而且係越大越好,當年喺Kenneth兄幫手下造咗一隻100磅重嘅地盒,效果真係好驚人...