
Oppo BDP93/95 New Public Beta firmware BDP9x-53-0805B

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OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:
Release date: August 15, 2011
Category: Public Beta Release
Main Version: BDP9x-53-0805B
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)
Note: This release is still a beta test version, not an official release. Use it only if you would like to experiment with the new features and improvements. There is a very small chance of the new features and improvements not working properly. If that happens, please report any issue to us.
Release Notes:
This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-52-0707, the major changes included in this version are:
  1. Added YouTube Leanback streaming. YouTube LeanBack is designed to provide an uninterrupted stream of HD videos from YouTube like you were watching a normal television channel. Access YouTube Leanback at the Home Menu -> Internet, or by pressing SOURCE and selecting YouTube.
  2. Resolved errors related to the player freezing when loading specific Netflix streams. In the previous firmware, when playing movies with optional language and subtitle selection, the player may freeze at the initial buffering screen. Examples of titles affected include "Shutter Island", "LOST. Season 1. Pilot" and "The One".
  3. Improved support for user-created DVD-Audio discs. In the previous firmware, the on-screen display and the front panel timing counters may stop at 00:00:00 when playing continuously from Track 1 to Track 2. This was mostly observed on user-created DVD-Audio discs which were “Audio Only” and contained no menus, backgrounds, or additional features.
  4. Added brief chapter information (Current Chapter/Total Chapters) on-screen display when pressing PREV or NEXT button to skip chapters. Currently this feature only applies to commercial discs which include Blu-ray, DVD and DVD-Audio.
Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.
All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.
For more details please refer to Oppo official site



如果有睇開呢個網嘅朋友都會知道Anthony一直對畫面調教有好大興趣,所以先會不時出訪幫網友校機。其實呢個興趣源自Anthony第一部投影機-Benq W5000,呢部ISF認証嘅平價DLP投影機初出廠時都算係幾注目,主要原因係當時二萬頭呢個價錢嘅1080P投影機不多。而加上W5000有上下len shift調校喺DLP機中少有,所以當時得到唔少好評。


二萬幾蚊對Anthony嚟講係一個唔少嘅數目,加上投影機二手巿場價格十分低,所以Anthony並無將部W5000放售,唯有喺等待新firmware期間喺網上揾改善畫面方法。可惜嘅係喺香港討論呢部投影機嘅人唔多,喺誤打誤撞下去咗外國嘅AVS forum,而喺一眾投影機討論中揾到一個專門討論W5000嘅題目,而且內容十分專業吸引Anthony爬足幾十頁的論討,認識到什麼對比,流明,灰階,色彩管理同D65等等呢類名詞。同時間Benq推出最新嘅firmware終於令部機嘅性能穩定下嚟,而最重要嘅係優化咗ISF選單內嘅調校項目,令畫面可以更準確地調至標準。

呢個時候Anthony就初認識到ISF(Image Science Foundation)呢個視顏調校工程師組織嘅工作同重要性,亦開始到各大網站學習有關畫面調校嘅理論同過程,再購買有關畫面調校嘅工具。及後為加以實淺從網上學習後來嘅理論,Anthony開始大膽地為網友免費提供畫面調校,更得到某網站邀請出席畫面調校分享會。


好開心,真係好開心,由2007年後ISF視頻調校工程師課程終於再次喺香港舉辦。當知道呢個課程會係香港舉辦時已經同ISF聯絡查問報名方法,報名後一直十分期待課程嘅來臨。而開課前兩日喺展音節見到ISF創辦人Mr. Joel SilverSpectraCalManaging Director Mr. Scott Reardon都真係好似小Fans嘅想上前同佢哋打招呼。
到真正上課見到唔少真正嘅業界人時報讀,而由於今次係以ISF Level II做招來所以吸引唔少之前已考取ISF Level I嘅師兄師姐報讀。最值得一提嘅係班中有一個年僅十三歲嘅小朋友報讀,雖然佢年紀輕輕但,唔好睇少呢位小朋友,佢能夠用英文同Mr. Joel Silver對答如流,Anthony相信佢將會成為最年輕嘅ISF証可嘅視頻調校工程師。而其他同學們當中有兩位Anthony係認識嘅網友,有一位重上過Anthony屋企家訪添,咁上課時自然痴痴呆呆坐埋一枱,同時大家不時互相提點同討論,令到Anthony可以更加容易明白課程內容。

雖然課程只係短短兩日,但內容十分多,好多理論、發展史同調挍方向都係Anthony首次接觸到,所以一時間都未能消化得晒。幸好Mr. Joel Silver嘅風趣教學同兩日都會有實淺時間,令到實個課程十好充實同愉快。現正努力作答試巻中,希望Anthony可以成功考取第一個影音認可嘅資格啦。


PS 下一個目標…………THX

都係要加返隻二手Entreq Silver Tellus地盒

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