
Oppo UDP-203 Latest Firmware UDP20X-38-0222 Official Release

Oppo UDP-203 Latest Firmware UDP20X-38-0222 Official Release

Release Notes:
This release is for the OPPO UDP-203 4K UHD Blu-ray Disc Player.
Special Notice:
  1. Once this firmware version is installed on the player, you will not be able to revert back to any previous official or public beta firmware. There will be no problem upgrading to any future official or beta firmware release.

Comparing to the current Official release version UDP20X-33-1229, the major changes included in this version are:
  1. Added the "Target Luminance" setting under HDR Settings to allow tweaking of the HDR to SDR conversion.
  2. Added the RS-232 command "QHS" for querying the HDR playback status.
  3. Added support for the HEVC 6.0 and 6.1 profile levels.
  4. Improved the experimental "Strip Metadata" feature.
  5. Improved stability when playing music from DLNA servers.
  6. Improved compatibility with exFAT formatted hard drives over 2TB in capacity.
  7. Resolved a stuttering playback issue with 3D titles.
  8. Resolved an audio dropout issue with UHD title "Deepwater Horizon".
  9. Resolved a playback issue with UHD title “Star Trek Into Darkness”.
  10. Revised the VFD text during a firmware upgrade that allows customers to upgrade the firmware without connecting a display.
  11. Resolved a black screen issue when streaming 4K content via the player's HDMI In port from Roku and other 4K streaming devices.
  12. General disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming UHD Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.
All features of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

download link http://www.oppodigital.com/blu-ray-udp-203/UDP203-firmware-38-0222.aspx


Oppo UDP 203 Latest Public Beta Test Version UDP20X-38-0215B

Oppo UDP 203 Latest Public Beta Test Version UDP20X-38-0215B

Release Notes:

This release is for the OPPO UDP-203 4K UHD Blu-ray Disc Player.
Special Notice:
  1. Once this Public Beta firmware is installed on the player, you can revert back to the previous Official release via a USB thumb drive. There will be no issues upgrading to any future official or beta firmware release.

Comparing to the current Official release version UDP20X-33-1229, the major changes included in this version are:
  1. Added the "Target Luminance" setting under HDR Settings to allow tweaking of the HDR to SDR conversion.
  2. Added the RS-232 command "QHS" for querying the HDR playback status.
  3. Added support for the HEVC 6.0 and 6.1 profile levels.
  4. Improved the experimental "Strip Metadata" feature.
  5. Improved stability when playing music from DLNA servers.
  6. Improved compatibility with exFAT formatted hard drives over 2TB in capacity.
  7. Resolved a stuttering playback issue with 3D titles.
  8. Resolved an audio dropout issue with UHD title "Deepwater Horizon".
  9. Resolved a playback issue with UHD title “Star Trek Into Darkness”.
  10. Revised the VFD text during a firmware upgrade that allows customers to upgrade the firmware without connecting a display.
  11. General disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming UHD Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.
All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.



[未買機先買碟系列]Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk和Hacksaw Ridge入手

今天入手了Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk和Hacksaw Ridge兩隻美版Ultra HD Blu-ray,當中Billy Lynn's是UHD Blu-ray + 3D Blu-ray + Blu-ray所以價錢比Hacksaw Ridge貴少許,而Billy Lynn's 的UHD Blu-ray是有簡體及繁體中文字幕,,而Hacksaw Ridge則没有中文字幕。

這次說說Billy Lynn's這隻UHD Blu-ray,不要被封面的戰爭圖片騙到,這套由李安大導以最新技術最高規格拍攝的電影實是一套百份百的文戲居多的劇情片來,所謂的戰爭場面不到十分鐘。



幸運的是這部史上最高規格的電影亦會以4K 60P在Ultra HD Blu-ray出現,亦是第一次有電影以這個挌式推出UHD Blu-ray。

說實話,看Full HD Blu-ray時已看得出這部電影的畫質和其他一般電影有所分別,但再用Oppo UDP-203看UHD Blu-ray,雖然用的只是入門Full HD投影機看1080 60P的畫面,但表現出來的流暢度和立體感真是很非一般,而畫面上每一個角落都很清晰地表現出來。

但不知是否畫面太過清晰、流暢和李大導的拍攝手法,整個電影的畫面感覺怪怪的,每一方面的表現都很好,就是没有了"電影感",感覺像在豐澤,百老滙裏看那些開了120hz motion flow之類功能的大電視。可能新世代的電影會是這個方向吧,但Anthony還是喜歡舊有的電影感。話雖如此,在看過這套新規格的UHD Blu-ray電影後,令Anthony更想快點投入Ultra HD的投影行列。

Hacksaw Ridge呢? 只是很快地試了幾章,都是一般UHD Blu-ray的水準,有機會再寫寫。

Object Base System: 5.3.4
Source: Oppo UDP-203
Processor: Anthem AVM60
Power Amp: Krell KAV2250 X 2, Theater Amplifier Standard
Front and Center: M&K MPS-150
Surround: M&K S-125
Over Top Front & Middle: M&K SS-150 SS-150MKII
DSpeaker Antimode Dual Core 2.0
Subwoofers: Martin Logan Descent-i & Thiel SmartSub 2, 2.2 and SI 1 Integrator
Projector: Benq HT1075
Screen: JK 120" gray screen



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