
ChromaPure 3.1 release


話說今年一直用開嘅畫面測量軟件ChromaPure推出新一代,當然又係因為要配合UHD呢個新標準啦,自取得ISF Certified Calibrator資格後一直沿用ChromaPure 2多年 (客人畀錢無理由重用HCFR呢類freeware,良心都過意唔去啦),今年5月份為UHD調校做準備就upgrade上ChromaPure 3,當時的版本為3.08,正正當時Panasonic DMP-UP900啱啱推出加上HDR10大局已定,買埋UHD嘅Test Pattern啦,以為可以做全港調校UHD Display的第一人可惜唔知係唔係自己部notebook太舊,個screen resolutions太低,當用ChromaPure 3.08去做Color Temperature就無問題,但一去到做Color Management就即drop software,email同ChromaPure嘅Tom反影情況,佢叫我等3.1,話會有大update,點知一等,等咗我七個月,其實轉用過CalMan5,但又係可能我部notebook太舊,CalMan5食source食得太勁,一來慢,二來攪極都用唔到隻i1 Pro幫隻i1 Display Pro做profile。

用開有感情都係ChromaPure比較細size 靈活一啲,就好似Anthem個 DTS:X firmware咁遲到好過無到,美國時間19/12/2016 ChromaPure 3.1卒之出世,未正式試到測試功能前,喺office開下都起碼無死software。

Color Temperature

Gamma (EOTF)中加入HDR10

Color Management中加入R.2020 Color Gamut

今個聖誔前好似好多嘢都一次過嚟,由Processor嘅DTS:X update到Power Amplifier到Speakers再到UHD Blu-ray Player,今次到個Calibration軟件都齊埋,好似乜都整腳喇喎,重欠啲乜呢........



12-19-2016 Version 3.1 of ChromaPure Released

ChromaPure 3.1 is now available for download.

This is a major release in which ChromaPure has been completely re-written on a new platform.

New Features
New tablet-like user interface. The classic interface can also be selected in application options.
Support for UHD Rec. 2020 and HDR10 EOTF.
New Screen Uniformity module.

Redesigned Color Gamut module.
Enhanced reporting cover page.
Enhanced Color Management module.
New Advanced Auto-cal engine.
Redesigned and simplified Meter initialization and Test Pattern generation components.
Meter Correction integrated with Meter Initialization.
Enhanced Color Management module.

Bug Fixes
The new platform allows for optimized display quality for high-resolution screens. The problems with text scaling on high res screens has been resolved.
Improved stability for auto-calibrate.

Known Issues

DVDO Duo auto-cal is not included in this build. The Duo can still be used as a signal generator and for standard calibration tasks. Duo auto-cal will be included as part of the first maintenance release in January.



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自己套系統一路都無乜落任何補品,只有一隻Lightspeed HT1 MKII,啲電源線都只係黑雞,訊號線都只係Gotham 11301,因為希望留力升級硬件。唯獨有一個 配件一定要加,就係地盒,而且係越大越好,當年喺Kenneth兄幫手下造咗一隻100磅重嘅地盒,效果真係好驚人...